Document Type : Original Article (Quantified)


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Master's degree, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this research is to assess the educational and economic needs of investors in the tourism sector in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces. Research data were analyzed using the hierarchical method. The research community includes all the investors of the tourism sector in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces, which according to the statistics of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of the province, this number reaches 200 people. The sampling method is available in the form of sampling. According to the findings of the research, the most important effective factors in prioritizing the education of investors in the tourism sector in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces, from the strongest factor to the weakest factor, are: training in the correct methods of communicating with tourists, training in removing misconceptions about tourism , teaching the correct investment solutions in the tourism sector, teaching the economic basics of tourism, continuous and intermittent training to teach the principles of tourism, creating an effective and efficient educational system in order to understand the strategic needs of the tourism industry, insurance and tax training in the tourism sector, teaching the legal basics of tourism. The most important effective factors in the economic prioritization of tourism sector investors in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces, from the strongest factor to the weakest factor, are: income generation in the sports tourism sector, income generation in the transportation and hotel tourism sector, income generation in the tourism sector Therapy, income generation in tourism handicraft sector, income generation in tourism recreation sector, income generation in tourism ecotourism sector, income generation in cultural and religious tourism sector, income generation in natural tourism sector.


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